How To Attach A Leash To A Bodyboard

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Are you eagerly waiting for your next surfing trip and wondering how to attach a leash to your bodyboard? A leash is an essential accessory that keeps you connected to your bodyboard in case of unexpected accidents. Whether you are a beginner or a pro surfer, attaching a leash to your bodyboard can be a game-changer in your surfing experience.

In this article, we will guide you on how to attach a leash to your bodyboard. We will also answer some frequently asked questions about leashes that every surfer should know.

So, let’s get started!


What is a Bodyboard Leash?

A bodyboard leash is a cord that attaches your bodyboard to your wrist or ankle to prevent it from drifting away in the water. It is a basic safety feature that every surfer must have while hitting the waves. Bodyboard leashes typically consist of a cord, a cuff, and a swivel that connects the cord to the cuff. The swivel allows the cord to spin freely, preventing it from twisting or tangling.


How Does a Bodyboard Leash Work?

A bodyboard leash works by connecting your bodyboard to your wrist or ankle. The leash cord is usually attached to the tail of the bodyboard using a plug or a leash plug. The other end of the cord is attached to a cuff, which is worn around your wrist or ankle. The swivel connector between the cuff and the cord ensures that the leash spins freely without twisting, preventing the risk of entanglement during surfing.


How to Attach a Leash to Your Bodyboard?

Attaching a leash to your bodyboard can be a tricky task if you’re a newbie. But don’t worry; we’ve got you covered with these simple steps:

Step 1: Locate the leash plug on your bodyboard. It is a small circular plastic piece attached to the tail of your board.

Step 2: Take the cord of your leash and insert it into the leash plug. Push it through the middle of the plug until the cord’s end comes out from the other side.

Step 3: Tie a knot at the end of the cord, leaving enough length for the cuff to attach later.

Step 4: Attach the swivel connector to the end of the cord. This prevents the cord from twisting or tangling during surfing.

Step 5: Put on the cuff around your wrist or ankle and attach the swivel connector to it.

Step 6: Adjust the length of the cord according to your surf level. If you’re a beginner, keep the length shorter to ensure better control of the board. If you’re an advanced surfer, you can go for a longer cord for extended movements.


Why Should You Use a Bodyboard Leash?

Using a bodyboard leash is crucial for your safety while surfing. The following are the reasons why you should use a leash:

Safety: A bodyboard leash prevents your board from drifting away if you lose it in the water. It also keeps you connected to your bodyboard, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries.

Convenience: With a leash, you don’t have to spend time searching for your board in the water every time you fall off it. It also saves you from the hassle of swimming back to the shore to retrieve your board.

Improved Performance: A bodyboard leash allows you to make fast turns and maneuvers on the waves. It keeps you connected to your board, providing better control and balance.


What are the Types of Bodyboard Leashes?

Bodyboard leashes are available in different types, lengths, and thicknesses, depending on the surfer’s preferences. Here are the two main types of bodyboard leashes:

Coiled Leash: Coiled leashes have a spring-like design that contract and stretch while surfing, reducing tangles and drag. They are a great choice for beginners and intermediate surfers who prefer smaller waves.

Straight Leash: Straight leashes are thicker and longer than coiled leashes, providing better control and maneuverability in bigger waves. They are suitable for advanced surfers who enjoy challenging waves.


How to Choose the Right Bodyboard Leash?

Choosing the right bodyboard leash is crucial for your surfing experience. Here are some factors to consider before selecting a leash:

Length: The length of the leash should be proportional to your height and your surfing level. Beginners usually go for shorter leashes to maintain better control of their board. Advanced surfers who surf in bigger waves prefer longer leashes.

Thickness: The thickness of the leash determines its durability and strength. Thicker leashes are more robust but can cause drag and resistance while surfing. Thinner leashes are more flexible, but they may snap easily in case of extreme waves.

Type: Coiled leashes are ideal for beginners and smaller waves, while straight leashes are suitable for advanced surfers and bigger waves.



Attaching a leash to your bodyboard is a crucial step for your surfing safety and performance. With the right leash and proper installation, you can enjoy your surfing experience with confidence and control. We hope this article has provided you with some valuable insights on how to attach a leash to your bodyboard and answered some frequently asked questions about leashes. Happy surfing!

Josh Mitchell

Josh Mitchell

"I live and breath boardriding"

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