How To Fix A Bubble On A Bodyboard

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As a bodyboarder, there’s nothing quite as frustrating as having a bubble on your board. This annoying problem can lead to decreased performance and even jeopardize your safety in the water. However, fixing a bubble on a bodyboard is a relatively easy process that can help you avoid additional damage to your board in the long run.

In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to fix a bubble on your bodyboard, along with tips and tricks to help you avoid this problem in the future. We will also answer some frequently asked questions related to bodyboarding, so be sure to read on.


What causes bubbles on a bodyboard?

Before we dive into the fixing process, let’s first understand what causes bubbles on a bodyboard. Typically, bubbles result from delamination, which is the process that occurs when the foam separates from the bottom layer of the bodyboard. Some possible causes of delamination include:

– Overexposure to heat and sunlight
– Excessive twisting or bending
– Rough handling
– Poor storage conditions
– Manufacturing defects


How to detect a bubble on a bodyboard?

Detecting bubbles early on is crucial to fix the problem before it gets worse. Here’s how you can check for bubbles on your bodyboard:

– Look carefully at the board’s surface and check for any noticeable bumps or raised areas.
– Run your hand over the entire board to feel for any lumps or bumps under the surface.
– Tap different areas of the board with your knuckles. Bubbles will often produce a hollow sound.


Tools required to fix a bubble on a bodyboard

Here are the tools you’ll need to fix a bubble on your bodyboard:

– Razor blade
– Sandpaper (80-grit and 220-grit)
– Board glue or epoxy resin
– Paintbrush or mixing stick
– Clamps or heavy objects (books, weights, etc.)


Step-by-step guide to fixing a bubble on a bodyboard

Now that you have all the necessary tools, let’s get to work. Follow these steps to fix a bubble on your bodyboard:

Step 1: Remove the bubble

Using a razor blade, carefully slice through the bubble or delaminated area. Be sure to remove all of the affected areas and any loose fibers.

Step 2: Sand the surface

Using an 80-grit sandpaper, sand away any rough or ragged edges from the area where the bubble was removed. Then, using a 220-grit sandpaper, lightly sand the entire area to create a smooth, even surface.

Step 3: Apply the glue or epoxy

Apply a thin layer of board glue or epoxy resin to the area where the bubble was removed. Be sure to spread the adhesive evenly and smoothly over the entire surface using a paintbrush or mixing stick.

Step 4: Clamp the area

Once the adhesive has been applied, place the board on a flat surface and use clamps or heavy objects to press down on the area. Leave the board to dry according to the adhesive manufacturer’s specifications.

Step 5: Sand the surface

Once the adhesive has dried completely, use a 220-grit sandpaper to smooth the surface. Be sure to remove any bumps or rough spots.


Tips to prevent bubbles on a bodyboard

Now that you have successfully fixed the bubble on your bodyboard, here are some tips to help you prevent this problem in the future:

– Store your board in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and other heat sources.
– Avoid twisting, bending or placing excessive pressure on the board.
– Rinse your bodyboard thoroughly with clean water after each use and dry it completely before storing it.
– Check your board regularly for any signs of damage or delamination.


How often should you check your bodyboard for bubbles?

It’s recommended that you check your bodyboard regularly for any signs of damage or delamination. Ideally, you should check your board every two to three weeks. However, if you use your board frequently, it’s best to inspect it more often.



In conclusion, fixing a bubble on a bodyboard is a simple process that can extend the life of your board significantly. By following the tips provided in this article, you can prevent this problem from happening in the first place. Remember to always check your board regularly and treat it with care to ensure optimal performance and longevity.

Josh Mitchell

Josh Mitchell

"I live and breath boardriding"

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