How to Manual on a Skateboard

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Skateboarding is a popular sport that requires a combination of skills and techniques to perform different tricks. One of the most basic yet challenging tricks is the manual. The manual is a skateboarding trick that involves balancing on the front wheels while rolling on the back wheels. This trick requires excellent balance, coordination, and control, which can be achieved through proper training and practice.


In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss the steps involved in learning how to manual on a skateboard. Whether you’re a beginner or an intermediate skater, this guide will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to perform this trick with confidence and style.


Understanding the Basics of the Manual Trick

Before we dive into the steps involved in performing the manual, let’s take a closer look at the basics of this trick. The manual is essentially a wheelie on a skateboard, where the front trucks are lifted off the ground and the skater balances on the back trucks.


To perform the manual, you need to have a good understanding of the center of gravity, balance, and momentum. The center of gravity refers to the point where the weight of the skateboard and the rider is evenly distributed, allowing the skater to maintain balance.


Balance is an important factor in performing the manual, as the skater needs to maintain a stable and upright position while riding on the back trucks. To achieve this, it’s important to keep your knees bent, your body weight centered over the back trucks, and your arms extended in front of you.


Momentum is also crucial in performing the manual, as the skater needs to maintain a consistent speed to keep the front trucks off the ground. The manual requires a combination of balance and momentum to be performed successfully.


Step-by-Step Guide on How to Manual on a Skateboard

Now that you have a good understanding of the basics of the manual, let’s take a look at the step-by-step guide on how to perform this trick.


Step 1: Start by rolling at a slow speed


The first step in learning how to manual on a skateboard is to start by rolling at a slow speed. This will help you get used to balancing on the back trucks and maintain a stable position.


Step 2: Shift your weight to the back trucks


Once you’re rolling at a slow speed, start shifting your weight to the back trucks by leaning back and keeping your knees bent. This will help you balance on the back trucks and prepare for the manual.


Step 3: Push down on the tail of the skateboard


As you’re shifting your weight to the back trucks, use your back foot to push down on the tail of the skateboard. This will help lift the front trucks off the ground and start the manual.


Step 4: Maintain your balance and speed


Once you’ve lifted the front trucks off the ground, it’s important to maintain your balance and speed. Keep your knees bent, your body weight centered over the back trucks, and your arms extended in front of you to maintain stability.


Step 5: Practice and refine your technique


Practice makes perfect, and the same applies to the manual. It takes time and practice to refine your technique and become proficient in performing this trick. Keep practicing and refining your technique until you can perform the manual with confidence and style.


Tips and Tricks for Performing the Manual on a Skateboard

  • Start Slow: Begin by riding slow and gradually increasing your speed. Keep your knees bent, your center of gravity low, and your balance stable.


  • Practice Popping: Popping is the key to performing a manual. Focus on landing your front truck on the ground while keeping your back truck in the air.


  • Find Your Balance: When performing a manual, it is important to find the right balance between your front and back trucks. Experiment with different positions to find what works best for you.


  • Keep Your Eyes Up: Look ahead and keep your eyes on the path ahead. This will help you stay balanced and avoid obstacles.


  • Use Your Weight: Shift your weight from your front to back truck to maintain your balance. Keep your body relaxed and use small movements to stay in control.


  • Practice Your Recovery: A key part of performing a manual is being able to recover from mistakes. Practice recovering from different scenarios so that you are prepared for any situation.


  • Use Your Arms: Your arms can help you stay balanced while performing a manual. Use them to make small adjustments and help maintain your balance.


  • Take Breaks: Avoid overuse injury by taking breaks between attempts. Give your muscles time to rest and recover between attempts.


  • Be Patient: Learning how to perform a manual takes time and practice. Be patient and keep trying, you will eventually get the hang of it.



In conclusion, manualing on a skateboard requires a combination of balance, control, and proper technique. It is important to start practicing on a flat surface and gradually progress to more challenging terrain. Remember to keep your weight over your front foot and use your knees to absorb shock. With persistence and dedication, you will eventually master the art of manualing on a skateboard. Have fun and be safe!

Josh Mitchell

Josh Mitchell

"I live and breath boardriding"

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