How To Paint A Skateboard

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Painting a skateboard can be a fun and creative way to personalize your ride and make it stand out from the rest. Whether you’re an experienced artist or a beginner, there are a few simple steps you can follow to achieve a professional-looking finish. 


In this article, we’ll go over everything you need to know about how to paint a skateboard, including choosing the right materials, preparing the surface, and applying the paint. By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to transform your plain old skateboard into a work of art in no time!


What Are The Materials Needed In Painting A Skateboard?


To paint a skateboard, you will need the following materials:


  1. A clean, dry skateboard deck
  2. Sandpaper
  3. Primer
  4. Acrylic paints
  5. Brushes (preferably ones specifically designed for painting)
  6. Clear coat sealant
  7. Masking tape (optional)
  8. Stencils or freehand drawing tools (optional)
  9. A well-ventilated area to work in
  10. A drop cloth or newspaper to cover your work surface
  11. A hairdryer or heat gun (optional, for speeding up drying time)


What Are The Preparations Needed Before Painting A Skateboard?


Before painting a skateboard, the following preparations should be made:


1. Clean the skateboard: Remove any dirt, dust, or grime from the surface of the skateboard using a damp cloth. Make sure the surface is completely dry before painting.


2. Sand the surface: Use a medium grit sandpaper to lightly sand the surface of the skateboard. This will help the paint adhere better to the surface.


3. Mask off any areas you don’t want painted: Use masking tape and newspaper to cover any areas of the skateboard that you don’t want painted, such as the trucks or the grip tape.


4. Prime the skateboard: Apply a coat of primer to the skateboard using a roller or a paintbrush. This will help the paint adhere better and provide a uniform base for the final coat of paint.


5. Set up your workspace: Choose a well-ventilated area to paint in and lay down a drop cloth to protect your floor or workspace. Make sure you have all the necessary materials on hand, including paint, brushes, and any other tools you may need.


6. Wear protective gear: Wear a mask, goggles, and gloves to protect yourself from the fumes and mess of painting.


How To Paint A Skateboard: Step by Step


The process of painting a skateboard deck doesn’t have to be difficult, despite the fact that we just stated a lot of ingredients. Even if it’s your first time, painting a skateboard shouldn’t be too tough if you follow the six simple procedures shown below.


You can get through this; don’t let yourself get overwhelmed. You’ll probably be shocked at how quickly you can complete it as well. We have faith in you.


STEP 1: Prep


Basic preparation is step one. You should first take the trucks and wheels from the board. Because painting things on the board never turns out the way you expect it to, this is necessary. It is recommended to take your trucks off the board before painting them. However, take them out even if you are only painting the board.


Rough up the board. When painting a chrome or shiny board, like mine was, you must do this to ensure that the paint adheres to the surface. For this, 400-grit sandpaper is typically used. You can remove the paint, pattern, or chrome by sanding it.


Once you’re done, clean the board with soap and water or, even better, a grease and wax remover. Any grease or oil on the board will be removed as a result.


Step 2: Primer


The base coat, or primer, is applied before the main paint coat. Be sure to pay attention to this since it’s crucial.


Ideally, you should apply 3–5 light coats. Three to five light coats, let me repeat that. Attempting heavier jackets will inevitably fail. To achieve professional results, take your time. Allow between coats of primer 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the weather. It ought to be entirely dry.


If you’d like, you can lightly sand it with 800-1000 grit sandpaper in between applications to make it lovely and smooth.


Depending on the time of day, let the board sit for a few hours (or overnight) before applying your finish color.


Step 3: Paint


Okay, give your paint can a two-minute shake. After that, apply 3-5 light coats using a sprayer. Give the board just enough paint so that you won’t need to apply 10 coats, but don’t entirely cover the board with each application. In essence, you don’t want to see a particularly shiny coat of paint because that indicates that you sprayed it on too thickly or that it drips. These are two indicators that you’re applying it too heavily.


Between coats, wet sand the board using 1000-grit wet-sanding sandpaper for an even better outcome. It will be rounded off and have an even glossier appearance as a result.


Step 4: Custom Design


If done incorrectly, this can be tricky and damage your board. First, cover the entire board with painter’s tape (after allowing it to dry for a few days). Afterward, either 1.) sketch your design with a marker on the board, or 2.) print your design, cut it out, and then draw the outline of it with a marker on the board. Then, cut it out using an X-acto knife. Ensure that the edges are firmly pressed down before adding another color.


When it has had time to dry for a few hours, carefully and slowly remove the masking tape by drawing it off over the top of itself. When you’re finished, I hope it looks fantastic!


Step 5: Finishing Up


You now require clear coatings. the same steps as Step 2, but you also require:


  • 1 Light coat
  • 1 Medium coat
  • 1 Heavy coat


You will get a lovely, glossy finish that safeguards your paint job as a result. Give yourself a pat on the back if you succeeded in finishing this.



In conclusion, painting a skateboard can be a fun and creative project that allows you to personalize your board and make it truly unique. It is important to follow the proper steps, such as preparing the surface, choosing the right paint and tools, and allowing for proper drying time. With a little patience and attention to detail, anyone can transform their skateboard into a work of art.

Josh Mitchell

Josh Mitchell

"I live and breath boardriding"

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