How To Powerslide On A Longboard

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Longboarding is an incredibly popular activity that has gained a lot of traction over the years. Because of its versatility, longboarding has become a very common sport, with many different disciplines, styles, and techniques to choose from. One of the most exciting and challenging styles is power sliding – a technique that requires great control and precision. With that in mind, here’s a comprehensive guide on how to powerslide on a longboard.


What is a Powerslide?

A powerslide on a longboard is a technique used to control speed and change direction while sliding sideways. It involves intentionally breaking traction with the wheels and allowing them to slide across the ground, creating a controlled drift. Powerslides are commonly used in longboarding for various purposes, including slowing down, negotiating tight turns, and performing stylish maneuvers.

To execute a powerslide on a longboard, riders typically shift their weight toward the back of the board while simultaneously applying pressure on the heels or toes of their feet, depending on the desired direction of the slide. This combination of weight distribution and foot pressure causes the wheels to lose traction momentarily, allowing them to slide sideways. The rider uses their body and arm movements to maintain balance and control during the slide. By controlling the slide, riders can scrub off speed and redirect their momentum.

Powerslides require practice to master, as they involve a combination of balance, weight distribution, and coordination. Riders need to develop a good sense of timing and learn to read the terrain and adjust their technique accordingly. Additionally, different longboard setups, such as wheel hardness and board shape, can affect the ease and style of executing powerslides.


What are the benefits of Powersliding?

Powersliding is a fun and exciting way to ride, but it also has many practical benefits. For example, powersliding can be used to control the board’s speed and direction when going down steep hills or around tight corners. It also helps to improve balance, control, and precision, making it an excellent exercise for longboarders who want to improve their skills. Powersliding can also be used to avoid obstacles or pedestrians, making it a useful skill to have in crowded areas.


What You Will Need to Powerslide?

Before you can start powersliding, you need to make sure that you have the right gear. The most important piece of equipment is an appropriate longboard. The board should be stable and have good grip as well as strong edge grip. A good pair of longboard gloves with slide pucks will also be highly useful, as it will help to protect your hands while sliding. It should be noted that sliding gloves aren’t necessary but they do make it easier to learn and improve.


Mastering the Powerslide Technique

To perform a powerslide, follow these steps:

Step 1: Start riding at a moderate speed, approaching a corner or an area with enough space to slide. Get into a squatting position so you can maintain your center of gravity and balance.

Step 2: Initiate the slide by leaning your weight back on your rear foot. You can use your toes on the front foot to help maintain balance.

Step 3: Start to turn your shoulders and your head in the direction you want to slide. Allow both arms to move outwards, following the direction of your body.

Step 4: With your weight shifted back, start to push outwards with your back foot, using the inner edge of the wheel to engage in the slide action. As the board starts to slide, push your body weight down and forward to re-establish control.

Step 5: As you come out of the slide, shift your weight forward and apply pressure on the front truck to bring the board back to its original position.


Tips & Tricks to Improve Your Powerslide

To consistently perform good powerslides, there are a few tips and tricks to follow. Firstly, practice on a surface that permits sliding. For example, parking lots or skateparks with smooth concrete surfaces will be perfect. Secondly, don’t look down at your feet while sliding. Focus on the direction you want to go and it will be easier to move the board around corners and in different directions. Finally, master the art of weight distribution. Knowing how to shift your body weight from the back to the front will help you control the board when sliding.



In conclusion, Powersliding is a fun and dynamic technique that requires skill, balance, and control. Learning how to powerslide on a longboard requires a lot of practice and patience, but with dedication and determination, anyone can master the technique. With these steps, you’ll be ready to slide around corners and twist around obstacles in no time. So, pick up your longboard and start practicing today!

Josh Mitchell

Josh Mitchell

"I live and breath boardriding"

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