How To Prevent Fogging In Snowboarding Goggles

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As a snowboarder, one of the most frustrating things to deal with is fogged-up goggles. When you’re up on the mountain, trying to enjoy the fresh powder and stunning views, constantly having to wipe down your foggy goggles can quickly put a damper on the experience. Not only is it inconvenient, but it can also be dangerous if you can’t see clearly. Luckily, there are several things you can do to prevent your goggles from fogging up.

In this article, we’ll cover questions that will help you understand why snowboarding goggles fog up and how to prevent it from happening.


Why do snowboarding goggles fog up?

Snowboarding goggles can fog up due to a combination of factors, including temperature, humidity, and moisture. Here are a few reasons why this occurs:

  1. Temperature and humidity differential: When you wear snowboarding goggles, your face generates heat and moisture. If the temperature inside the goggles is colder than the air inside, it can create a temperature differential. When warm, moist air comes into contact with the colder lens surface, it condenses into water droplets, causing fogging.
  2. Poor ventilation: Inadequate ventilation can contribute to fogging. If there is limited airflow within the goggles, the moisture from your breath gets trapped, leading to foggy lenses. Properly ventilated goggles allow air to circulate, reducing the chances of fogging.
  3. Sweating: Snowboarding is a physically demanding activity, and it’s natural to sweat. Moisture from sweat can accumulate on the inner surface of the goggles, leading to fogging. This is especially true if the goggles fit too tightly against your face, limiting airflow.
  4. Snow and moisture exposure: Snowboarding involves exposure to cold temperatures, snow, and moisture. If snow or water enters the goggles, it can increase the moisture content, which contributes to fogging. Additionally, if your goggles are wet or damp, they are more likely to fog up.


What type of goggles are the most resistant to fogging?

There are several types of goggles on the market, but not all of them are created equal when it comes to preventing fog. Look for goggles that have double-layer lenses with anti-fog coatings. These coatings are specially designed to reduce moisture buildup on the inside of the lens, so you can see clearly. Additionally, some goggles come with vents, which help regulate airflow and prevent moisture buildup.


What materials should you look for in anti-fog goggles?

When shopping for anti-fog goggles, there are a few materials to keep an eye out for. Firstly, look for a double-layer lens with a hydrophobic (water-repellent) coating. The hydrophobic coating creates a barrier between the lens and moisture, preventing it from sticking to the surface. Secondly, make sure the goggles have vents to promote air circulation. Finally, opt for a breathable face foam, which helps wick away moisture from your skin and prevents it from getting trapped inside the goggles.


Should you use anti-fog spray?

Anti-fog spray is a product that can be applied to the inside of your goggles to make them more resistant to fogging. Some people swear by it while others find it ineffective. However, it’s worth noting that anti-fog sprays can cause damage to your lenses, especially if they contain harsh chemicals. Instead of using a spray, look for goggles with an anti-fog coating already applied or follow our other tips to prevent fogging.


How can you adjust your gear to prevent fogging?

One way to prevent your goggles from fogging up is to make some adjustments to your gear. Firstly, ensure that your helmet and goggles fit correctly and are compatible with each other. A poorly fitting helmet can cause heat buildup, which increases the chances of fogging. Additionally, consider wearing a balaclava or face mask to help keep moisture away from your goggles. Lastly, avoid tucking your goggles into your hat or helmet, as this will restrict air circulation and contribute to fogging.


What other tips can help prevent fogging when snowboarding?

Aside from choosing the right goggles and adjusting your gear, there are a few other things you can do to prevent fogging. Firstly, don’t overdress. If you’re wearing too many layers, your body will generate more heat and sweat, leading to increased moisture buildup in your goggles. Secondly, take short breaks every now and then to let some cool air circulate around your goggles. Lastly, if your goggles do start to fog up, don’t wipe them with your gloves or a towel. This can scratch the lens and make the problem worse. Instead, hold them away from your face to let the inside cool down before wiping them gently with a soft cloth.



In conclusion, fogged-up goggles can be a real hassle when you’re out on the slopes. However, there are several things you can do to mitigate the issue, from choosing the right goggles to adjusting your gear and taking short breaks. Follow these tips and you’ll be able to enjoy clear vision and uninterrupted shredding all day long.

Josh Mitchell

Josh Mitchell

"I live and breath boardriding"

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