How to Skateboard Downhill

Table of Contents

Skateboarding is a popular and exciting sport that has been around for decades. While many people are familiar with skateboarding on flat surfaces, downhill skateboarding is a whole different story. Downhill skateboarding requires a combination of speed, balance, and control, and is a thrilling experience that requires proper preparation and technique. 


If you are interested in learning how to skateboard downhill, this article will guide you through the necessary steps to get started. From selecting the right equipment to practicing proper form, we will cover everything you need to know to get started on your downhill skateboarding journey.


Preparation and Safety Gear

Before you hit the hills, it’s important to have the right gear and to make sure your skateboard is in good condition. You should have a high-quality downhill skateboard with a sturdy deck, strong trucks, and durable wheels. You should also invest in a helmet, knee and elbow pads, and gloves to protect yourself in case of a fall.


One of the most important things to consider when preparing for downhill skateboarding is your speed. You need to find a comfortable speed that you can control and that allows you to react quickly to changes in terrain. Make sure to start slow and gradually increase your speed as you gain confidence and experience.


Techniques and Riding Style

Downhill skateboarding requires a different riding style than regular skateboarding. To be successful, you need to adopt a low center of gravity and a wide stance to maintain balance and stability. Your knees should be bent and your weight should be distributed evenly between your feet.


Another important technique is carving. Carving is a series of turns that help you control your speed and maneuver around obstacles. To carve, you need to shift your weight from one foot to the other, using your hips and legs to make the turns. You should also use your arms to maintain balance and stability.


Training and Practice

The key to becoming a successful downhill skateboarder is to practice, practice, practice. Start by riding on gentle slopes and gradually increase the difficulty as you get more comfortable. Try to find hills that have different types of terrain, such as smooth pavement, rough roads, and gravel paths, so you can practice navigating different surfaces.


It’s also important to work on your overall strength and conditioning. Downhill skateboarding requires a lot of endurance and strength, especially in your legs and core. Incorporate exercises such as squats, lunges, and planks into your workout routine to help improve your skateboarding skills.


Safety Tips

  • Wear protective gear: Always wear a helmet, elbow pads, knee pads and wrist guards to protect yourself from head injuries, scrapes, and bruises.
  • Start Slow: When starting out, go slow and gradually build up speed. This will help you get comfortable with the speed and control your movements.
  • Maintain balance: Keep your center of gravity over the board and distribute your weight evenly. Make sure to keep your knees bent and your core engaged.
  • Use Proper Foot Placement: Place your front foot near the front truck bolts and your back foot near the back truck bolts. This will help you maintain control and stability.
  • Look Ahead: Keep your gaze focused on the path ahead of you. This will help you react to obstacles and maintain control.
  • Control Your Speed: Use your back foot to slow down or brake when necessary. Make sure to do this slowly and smoothly to maintain control.
  • Be aware of traffic: When skating on a road or in a park, be aware of cars and other skaters. Always look both ways before crossing a street and be aware of your surroundings.
  • Avoid Tricks: Stick to basic downhill riding and avoid attempting tricks. Tricks require more skill and can increase the risk of injury.



In conclusion, downhill skateboarding is a challenging yet exhilarating experience that requires skill, patience, and proper gear. Learning how to skateboard downhill can be a fun and rewarding activity, but it is important to be safe and always wear protective gear. Additionally, practicing on a gradual slope before attempting a steeper incline is recommended to build confidence and skills. With the right technique, practice, and determination, anyone can master the art of downhill skateboarding and enjoy the thrill of this sport.


Josh Mitchell

Josh Mitchell

"I live and breath boardriding"

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