How To Stop Kitesurfing

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As kitesurfing continues to grow in popularity, many enthusiasts may overlook the importance of knowing how to properly stop and end their riding session. Regardless of skill level, being able to stop your kite and board is a crucial aspect of kitesurfing that every rider should be familiar with. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to stop kitesurfing and answer some common sub-questions related to the topic.


Why is it important to know how to stop kitesurfing?

Stopping is an essential part of kitesurfing. Without proper stopping techniques, the rider may potentially end up in a dangerous situation, get caught up in wind gusts, or be unable to control their kite. Knowing how to stop can mean the difference between a successful session and a disastrous one. It is the foundation of every kitesurfing lesson, so every rider should ensure they know how to stop.


What are the different ways to stop kitesurfing?

Several ways can be used to stop kitesurfing. Firstly, the rider can bring their kite down to the water using the kite control bar. This can be done by pulling the bar towards the rider, causing the kite to lose lift and fall to the water. Secondly, the rider can release the control bar altogether and let it go. This automatically de-powers the kite, making it drop out of the sky. Finally, the rider can perform a safety system release, which fully depowers the kite. Depowering the kite is the best way to stop kitesurfing, and it’s the easiest and safest way to ensure a safe end to the riding session.


How can I ensure I stop smoothly?

Stopping smoothly requires the rider to have a good understanding of kite control and power management. The key is to release the power in the kite gently, which will ensure the kite comes down smoothly. It’s important to take it slow and gradually ease off the power in the kite. Additionally, it’s important to maintain a constant eye on the wind and weather conditions, as sudden shifts in wind can cause unexpected movements in the kite.


What happens if I don’t stop my kite properly?

If a rider fails to stop the kite correctly, they can end up in a dangerous situation. The kite may continue to pull the rider to one side, potentially dragging them across rough terrain or into the water. Additionally, if the rider loses control of the kite, it can become a hazard to other riders or beachgoers.


How can I practice stopping?

The best way to practice stopping is to practice depowering the kite on land or in shallow water. This way, if anything goes wrong, the rider can still stand up. Practice releasing the control bar and pulling it towards you to bring the kite down smoothly. Make sure to practice in varying wind conditions to simulate different scenarios.


Is it ever too late to stop a kitesurfing session?

It’s never too late to stop kitesurfing, even if the rider is far away from the shore. If something goes wrong, the rider can perform a safety release, which will fully de-power the kite and bring it down to the water. Furthermore, if the rider is feeling uncomfortable or tired, they should end the session early and safely return to shore.



In conclusion, stopping is a crucial aspect of kitesurfing. Riders should be familiar with the different ways to stop and ensure that they practice stopping regularly. Smooth stopping requires good kite control, power management, and an understanding of wind and weather conditions. By knowing how to properly stop a kitesurfing session, riders can guarantee a safe, successful, and enjoyable outing.

Josh Mitchell

Josh Mitchell

"I live and breath boardriding"

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