How to Switch Stance on a Wakeboard

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Wakeboarding is an exhilarating water sport that has rapidly grown in popularity over the years. Known for its jumps, flips, and spins, its athletes are always pushing the boundaries of what is possible. One of the most fundamental skills in wakeboarding is a switch stance. In this article, we will explore what a switch stance is and how it can help take your wakeboarding skills to the next level.


What is a Switch Stance?

A switch stance in wakeboarding is when you switch your natural footing to your non-dominant foot. For example, if you are a regular rider, you ride with your left foot forward. When you switch to your non-dominant foot, you ride with your right foot forward. This might sound like a small change, but the difference is significant. Switch riding can be challenging to learn, but it is worth it as it will enhance your riding skills and help you become a more well-rounded rider.


Why is a Switch Stance Important?

There are many reasons why a switch stance is important for wakeboarding. Firstly, it is an essential skill if you want to become a competitive wakeboarder. Many competitions require riders to perform tricks and maneuvers in both their natural and switch stance. Developing this skill will increase your chances of success and elevate your performance.

Secondly, a switch stance can help you improve your overall technique. Switch riding requires more core strength and balance, which can transfer over to regular riding. Learning to ride switch will increase your body control, and you will become more comfortable riding in different directions.

Thirdly, riding switch is simply more fun. It opens up a whole new world of tricks and maneuvers that you can perform. Switch riding allows you to explore new ways of moving on the water and challenge yourself to become a better rider.


How to Ride Switch?

Now that we understand what a switch stance is and why it is important, let’s dive into how to ride switch.

Step One: Starting Switch

The first challenge when learning to ride switch is getting started. It can be challenging to switch your feet and get comfortable with the new stance. Start by riding toward the boat and switch your feet while riding straight. A good tip is to visualize your natural stance and mirror the movements with your non-dominant foot. Focus on bending your knees and keeping your hips square to the boat. Take it slow until you feel comfortable with the new stance.

Step Two: Carving Switch

Once you can ride switch straight, you need to learn how to carve switch. Carving switch is the same as carving regular, except you are riding in the opposite stance. Make sure to keep your weight centered and your body position aligned with the board. Bend your knees and focus on looking up and ahead. It can be helpful to imagine your hips and shoulders are facing the boat.

Step Three: Switching Edges

In wakeboarding, you ride on your toes or heels. When you switch your stance, you need to learn how to switch edges. Begin by carving switch and then switch edges, just like you would in your natural stance. Keep your weight centered, and don’t try to force the board. When you switch edges, make sure to keep your knees bent and your hips level.

Step Four: Ollie Switch

An Ollie is a basic trick in wakeboarding. It is when you jump off the water and into the air with your board. Once you feel comfortable carving switch, try performing an Ollie switch. Start by riding switch, and then bend your knees and push down with your legs. As you reach the peak of your jump, pop the board off the water with your back foot. Level the board out in the air, and land back on the water.

Step Five: Tricks Switch

Once you feel comfortable carving and jumping switch, it’s time to start trying tricks. Start with some basic tricks like switch 180s, switch grabs, and switch surface tricks. Once you have those dialed in, move on to more advanced tricks like switch spins and flips.


Tips for Learning to Ride Switch

Learning to ride switch can be challenging, but it is possible with dedication and practice. Here are some tips to help you along the way:

– Start slow and progress at your own pace- don’t rush the learning process.
– Focus on proper technique and posture.
– Don’t look down at your board- keep your eyes up and focused on where you are going.
– Practice riding switch every time you go out on the water.
– Watch other wakeboarders riding switch for inspiration and tips.



In conclusion, riding switch is an essential skill for any wakeboarder. It requires more dedication and practice than regular riding, but the rewards are worth it. Riding switch will improve your overall technique, open up new tricks and maneuvers, and make you a more well-rounded rider. Follow the steps we have outlined in this article and commit to practicing, and you’ll be riding switch like a pro in no time.

Josh Mitchell

Josh Mitchell

"I live and breath boardriding"

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